Moutai-infused ice cream: Balancing Tradition and Innovation to Capture a Yo...|微头条
Image source: Visual China
BEIJING, May 30 (TiPost) – Moutai-flavored ice cream was celebrating its first anniversary of the launch, with seven hard liquor-infused ice cream stores opening in seven metropolises in northwestern China.
To commemorate this special occasion, seven ice cream flagship stores located in Urumqi, Lhasa, Lanzhou, Xining, and Yinchuan opened their doors simultaneously on the anniversary day.
During the anniversary celebration, Ding Xiongjun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd., announced that Moutai-infused ice cream had successfully sold nearly 10 million cups as of last Sunday. Looking ahead, the company is determined to introduce new products across various price ranges, catering to the diverse preferences of customers.
Moutai-infused ice cream has established an extensive presence with 27 flagship ice cream stores spread across 24 provinces and municipalities throughout the country. In addition to its physical stores, the ice cream is available for purchase online through various platforms such as, Tmall, TikTok, and i-Moutai. It can also be conveniently ordered through China Merchants Bank APP mall and other banking platforms, expanding its accessibility to a wider customer base.
Ever since its launch, this liquor-infused ice cream has garnered significant attention and received a large number of orders. On May 29, 2022, Kweichow Moutai introduced three variations of Moutai-infused ice cream on the “i-Moutai” digital marketing platform. All available units were sold out within mere 51 minutes, with an impressive total of over 40,000 units sold and generating sales exceeding 2.5 million yuan.
This daring venture represents a bold endeavor for a brand with a century-long legacy. In an era where the liquor industry has experienced a decline in sales and grapples with the challenge of attracting younger consumers, this innovative approach provides a fresh avenue to embrace new possibilities.
As per the announcement made by Kweichow Moutai on December 29, 2022, the distribution of Moutai-infused ice cream has expanded into 16 provinces through offline channels, with 19 flagship stores successfully established. Additionally, online sales have reached 25 provinces, encompassing a remarkable 160 prefecture-level cities nationwide. These efforts have resulted in approximately 3.4 million individuals purchasing and savoring the ice cream, while an astounding 400 million people have become acquainted with and gained an understanding of this delightful treat. With such widespread recognition, the company anticipates achieving a projected revenue of 262 million yuan in 2022, reflecting the remarkable success and growing popularity of the ice cream.
The resounding success achieved in its inaugural year has fueled even greater ambition for Moutai-infused ice cream. In this month, it embarked on an expansion beyond the confines of the “i-Maotai” app, venturing into a diverse array of e-commerce channels.
According to reports, the stringent Moutai-infused ice cream price control policy implemented by Moutai has necessitated the design of several flexible product combinations on the online sales platform, catering to different consumption scenarios while adhering to the established rules. However, according to consumers’ old perceptions, purchasing combination packs typically implies a lower unit price. This presents a certain challenge to the pricing structure of the ice cream.
According to insiders familiar with the matter, Kweichow Moutai strives to preserve its core values and traditions on the one hand, and endeavors to embrace and cater to the younger consumer groups on the other hand. The brand is committed to adapting to the operational dynamics of the public domain e-commerce landscape.
- Moutai-infused ice cream: Balancing Tradition and Innovation to Capture a Yo...|微头条
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